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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Im on hold

Really need something to get me motivated.  Haven't felt up to doing anything since I finished the quilt top.

Today I have PT again, and that usually puts me down and resting for the remainder of day.  I hope not.  I feel like I'm on hold.  These rainy, gloomy days don't help my attitude.  I've really got to push myself and get going on my quilting again.

While resting, I have been on my computer and looking up many different quilt sites. From these I have gotten several free motion ideas and am so anxious to try these designs.  I have been doodling on paper some of the designs and have been actually doodling some of my ideas for a new free hand design.  I really prefer doing a free hand as compared to panogram or stencil.  Photo of free hand design on a raffle quilt I did for the Edgerton Quilt show.  I did a rosette in each square and a double diamond in center of each square with a looping design on the border.

There are now 2 quilts in my sewing room ready to be loaded and quilted on my long arm.  I am thinking of several different free motion designs I could use on each of them.

Lets hope today is the beginning of a new week of quilting.

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