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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

BB Bramble Baskets Finished

Still have to sew on binding, but so very happy Lizzie is all better.

Finished the final row and border this morning before going to pick up  Ky for the day.

For someone who was terrified of feathers, I'm sure loving them now.

Ky came dressed for climbing today.  Let me explain, we have many apple trees in our yard, and of course the large apples are nearer the top.  Last time she was here she wanted to climb the trees, but wouldn't let her because she had on shorts and flip flops.  Told her now climbing unless she had on longer pants and tennis shoes.  She came Prepared

Unfortunately she still couldn't get to the really good ones.  Wayne found the solution for us.  He has a long pole/tree trimmer we used to shake a few limbs and dropped some good ones.

The results:

We washed peeled and baked not one but 2 apple pies. One she gets to take home with her for all the hard work she does for me.

The other we have already cut into - Wayne, Ky and I mmmmmm, warm apple pie with fresh picked apples.  How good is that?

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