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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ky and I Weekend

Ky and I are having a very productive weekend.

She came Friday (like always) afternoon and we spent our time working on (of course) quilts.  She is almost finished and time ran out as her dad came to pick her up for the night.  She only needs to put on her top and bottom outer border and it will be finished and ready for me to quilt.

Today, she is here for the day and staying with us overnight.  I had our day planned and she was up for all of it.

Started the day baking a rhubarb cake:

After baking, she vac sealed the remaining rhubarb and we froze 3 packages.

Now its off to the garden to see what needs to be done.  Picked the rest of the beets and all of the carrots:  She saw one of the bunnies hopping around, but she didnt freak out this time.

Washed and cut off tops, and bagged (2) gallon Ziploc bags of carrots.

Belle loves carrots and we give them to her as a treat rather than doggy biscuits.  Vet said they are better for her. So here she is with Ky waiting for her carrot.
OK time for lunch, when her dad dropped her off, left us with the makings for fajitas which Ky and I had for our lunch, gpa not a fav of this type food, so we gave him a sandwich. 

After the fajitas, it was time for a piece of cake.  MMMMMMMMMM Gooooooood.

Now wash and cook beets, cool peel and put into canning jars.  Ky made the pickling syrup and cooked it for me.  Helped pack the jars and she got to add the syrup:

Finished beets.   We were going to go back into the garden and pick green beans, but you know what? 

We are both just a little tired and taking a break, maybe for the rest of the day.

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