Don't even know where to begin with all that I have been up to. Of course quilting, that's a given.
Yard work and not hating it. Housework again not hating it. Now this sounds like everybody's days doesn't it.
Well for me not so much. I have never had as much interest in yard work as I have since we moved.
What has happened to this old lady I don't know. Maybe because the weather this year is unusual. We are having upper 70's degree temps. WISCONSIN IN MARCH should be cold rainy, snowing and leaving us with the hopes of warmer days. Maybe its because I know how beautiful the yard will look this spring and summer when all the flowers are up and blooming or getting ready to bloom. What ever it is, its a good thing!
Our biggest fear right now is we will have a cold snap that will kill off all the spring flowers that are already peeking out from their winter sleep.
On a sad note. One of our best friends has passed and last night we went to visitation and today the funeral.
It is so hard saying goodbye to a friend like Joe. He was such a special man. Wayne liked to call him little guy.
He had a smile for everyone and a joke always ready to be told. If you needed help he was the first one there for you. We will miss him and remember him fondly.
I'm going to contact the daughter and see if they would like me to make a memory quilt with his Harley Tshirts.
I have been working on a couple of customer quilts. Finished one and the other is on the frame and I only have a few more hours and it will be finished.
This is done with simple meandering for the most part, special highlight shadow stitching and outlining on the large deer head and 4 deer panel. It is one beautiful quilt. Same customer made a wolf quilt like this and that is the one I'm working on tomorrow morning. Some lucky young men will be the recipients of these beautiful quilts.
With all of that going on I also did some practice squares of a pattern that was given to me. Using scraps I started yet another quilt project.
These stars are extremely easy to make |
some scraps from stash I will be working with for more stars
Lately there just isn't enough time in a day or night to get everything done I want to do and yet I want more quilts to come in asap. Love doing customer quilts and they of course are my first love and priority. So customers bring them on I'm ready for you.
How can anyone just sit and watch TV all day long when there is so much more interesting things to do in a day?