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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Working Out Our Routine

Gus and I are working on a routine that will work for both of us.

First he is the boss and when he says so, its Gus time.

Until........... Nap time. Then Grandma gets to do what she wants to do.

Catching a few winks, and I get to sew a few stitches.

Many years have passed since having a little one to take care of.  Even though Gus requires much of my attention,  we are working it out so I still can get a few things done during the day.

Wayne is a big help but even when he isn't helping we manage just fine.

A big help has been the addition of a swing in our house.   We have our swing time, eating time, napping time and play time with grandma and grandpa.

By the way Gus likes to watch Gunsmoke and Bonanza with Grandpa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is adorable jean and you are having a good time I know what a fun time for you 3! enjoy