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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Play Day Today

Little sewing this morning, but then I get a phone call from Brittany needs a babysitter for Tavyn, she had to work unexpectedly.

Hot, and muggy day and Tavyn wants to run through the sprinkler.  Being the dutiful grandparents off course no problem.

Gpa sets it all up and Gma sits in the shade to watch.

He didn't bring a suit, underpants work.

The rest of the day is spent in front of TV.  Would rather we could have been outside, but that would have given us heat stroke.

Green Lantern, Snow Buddies, Cartoons.  Gees the most difficult part of babysitting is the entertainment part.  We don't have many toys here, just a few and Tavyn, like most little 5year olds have the attention span of a knat.

Hmmmm, I wonder if he would be interested in sitting with Gma while she sews, like Kylee did at that age.

Next time will give it a try and see what happens.  Then we can both be entertained on a level that isn't  mind numbing for grandma.

LOL - now he is having GPA smell his feet. Stinky  (not really but we exaggerate the smell) It makes him happy!!!!

Is it time for supper yet???

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