Like a cobbler that never repairs his own shoes, so is a quilter doesn't always get her own quilts finished.
My Goal: to quilt all of the quilts I have hanging in my closet starting with this one by end of 2016
The pattern is Reproduction Chain (not mine)
It was a good stash buster 95x100 It took 3 months to complete the piecing; Only because I didn't stick with it on a daily basis. It hung in my closet since April.
There are other quilts in that closet older and need attention, but at least its a start.
When I quilt my own I never know for sure what I'm going to do with them, this is where I tend to do some practice free motion quilting. So this was a just for fun and lets see what happens.
Here is another project that took over a year to complete - After seeing a demonstration of needle punch, I came up with a brain storm of an idea or was it a brain fart. Not sure.
Needle punched center added fabric borders that I quilted. Because I had looked at this piece for over a year I was quite bored with the look of it, so to spice it up, I added hot crystals for bling.
So now I have completed to UFOs as of January 2016
If I'm really good and don't make another quilt I might get the other 7 done. But wait a minute that would mean not going to any sew days or retreats. Well we know that's not going to happen - but maybe I can restrain myself and just make smaller wall hangings instead of bed size. I seem to be collecting a lot of bed size lately.,
After all how many bed quilts do I need
And then there is the rag quilt I just finished for my everyday/winter quilt
Oh my goodness do I need an intervention. Nah - my kids will have to deal with all of this when I'm gone. Its going to be their problem not mine.
In the meantime I will more than likely continue making more and more quilts because I cant stop myself from seeing another quilt made by someone else, and "i just have to make that one" or coming up with a pattern of my own.
We wont mention how much fabric is in my house waiting to be sewn into something.
Anybody wanna buy a quilt????